Our Story

Heather in Shanghai China, 2018

Hi! I’m Heather Turner. As a mother of four small children living in China for almost 7 years, there were many challenges I faced, but access to Chinese language for my children was never one of them.

After seeing my children learn Chinese as toddlers and preschoolers, and knowing that the younger you start your child in a language the easier it is to pick up, I wanted to give the same opportunities for early exposure to other families. Knowing from experience what it is to go from absolutely no understanding of a language to total immersion, I wanted to create fun resources to help other kids especially those who might be struggling.

After talking to countless parents about their child’s needs and the lack of resources for parents of Chinese, I realized that there is a need for greater emphasis in reading characters and developing reading fluency. Little Dragon’s resources pages were lovingly made by myself as a free resource for Chinese DLI families. With Chinese there is a certain amount of rote memorization that must take place, but there are lot of ways you can memorize characters using games and activities. 

Chinese is an incredible language to study. More people speak it than any other language in the world. Not only does it look good on a resume, but it is becoming more and more a useful language to have in business and hospitality careers among others.

“I wish I never learned Chinese”- said no one ever!